Ethan's story

2020 November 18

Created by Natalie 2 years ago

We found out you were a little boy at our 20 week scan, and we also found out you had a heart condition called dextrocardia where your heart faces the right instead of the left. I attended thw scan alone due to covid and told your dad when I got home. 

This was followed by many long scans which were bitter sweet, you kicked and moved and we loved to see you on the screen. But we were told your heart had several other serious conditions such as truncis arteriosus where only one trunk supplies the lungs and body, a hole in the heart and a leaky valve. 

At 29 weeks were were given the option to terminate and told you werent going to make it to term because your heart was failing and your body filling with fluid.

We decided to continue with the pregnancy because you were so active and I could feel you kick, I knew you would let me know when you were ready. At 32 weeks you slowed down and my body started to mirror your symptoms (mirror syndrome) I was filling with fluid, had chest pains and was breathless. 

I asked them for a c section rather than wait to be induced once your heart had failed. 

At 32+3 on November 18th at 3.04pm you were born, we sang to you and talked to you and you stayed with us for two hours until 5.15pm. 

We spent two wonderful days with you in the bereavement suite and your nans and grandad came to visit you .

You will always be our baby boy and a part of our family. 


Love you Ethan 💙
